Gas Detectors

As of 1/1/2022, Maine law requires gas detectors to be installed in some commercial businesses and residential properties. Hotels, motels, nonprofits, multi-family homes, shelters, and businesses must install one in any room where there's a gas or propane-fueled appliance. A gas detector is different from a smoke detector or a carbon monoxide detector.

Maine Gas Detector Law

From News Center Maine's website: A new Maine law kicking off on January 1st requires gas detectors to be installed in some commercial businesses and residential properties. Hotels, motels, nonprofits, multi-family homes, shelters, and businesses must install one in any room where there's a gas or propane-fueled appliance. A gas detector is different from a smoke detector or a carbon monoxide detector. Many people might not meet the January 1st deadline because many hardware stores in Maine are out of the detectors. Fire inspectors are encouraging people to order them online.

For more information, please visit New's Center Maine's website.

From Bangor Fire Department: Fuel gas detectors effective 1/1/2022

On January 1, 2022 legislation goes into effect regarding Fuel Gas Detectors. Those needing to meet this new requirement are:

• Multi Family Homes

• Lodging affiliated with an educational facility (dorms, fraternity or sorority)

• Children’s homes, children’s shelters, children’s residential care facility, or specialized children’s homes as defined in Title 22, section 8101 subsections 1,2,4,4-A and 5.

• Hotels, motels or inns

• Mixed use occupancies containing a dwelling unit

• Business occupancies

• Mercantile occupancies

• Assembly occupancies

The Building owner shall install, or cause to be installed, in accordance the manufacturers requirements at least one approved fuel gas detector in every room containing an appliance fueled by propane, natural gas or liquified petroleum gas in any of the building types listed above.

The detectors may be battery operated, plugged into an outlet or hardwired.

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